Vienna and Gleinstätten, August 2, 2022 – REPO4EU will commence a month from now. Above and beyond several other tasks, this 5+ year Horizon Europe project will develop a generic framework that can be used by anybody who wishes to start a drug repurposing project according to current best practices. From in silico discovery to regulatory issues and healthcare provider perspectives, every aspect will be covered. REPO4EU has partnered with professional societies, companies, patent attorneys, legal and ethics experts, clinical research organizations, regulators, payers, patient representatives, and others.
For an amount of funding not yet disclosed, H.M. Pharma Consultancy will actively participate in 8 of the 11 REPO4EU work packages, and will lead the work package tasked with cross-sectional integration of technology readiness assessments, prioritization of compounds to be investigated in clinical pilot trials, and regulatory issues involving chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC). H.M. Pharma Consultancy will also provide the consortium with the current version of REPOSCOPE, our database covering patent and peer review documents claiming or suggesting suitability of active ingredients for drug repurposing applications. In close collaboration with the REPO4EU consortium, REPOSCOPE will be developed into a full-scale tool that will help developers to identify unexpected opportunities, and to avoid unnecessary investments.
The official REPO4EU kickoff meeting will be held on September 1 & 2, 2022 at the Maastricht School of Management, in conjunction with the RExPO22 drug repurposing congress on Sept. 2 & 3, where H.M. Pharma Consultancy will be the Gold Level Sponsor.
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